The World's Fastest Horses: Top Speeds and Common Traits
The Friesian Horse Breed: Facts, Color, and Temperament
How Do Jockeys Choose Which Horses They Ride?
The Fastest Horse Breeds in the World and the Races They Run
Recent Posts
We often haul our horses to trail rides, rodeos, and race tracks. Most of the time, our travels are short, but sometimes we take our horses on extended trips, so I thought it would be a good idea to...
Horseback riding has been around for thousands of years, and different regions had minor unique variations but were basically the same. However, modern riding styles fall into distinct...
Today my son asks if I thought it was okay to ride his horse barefoot on the road. We typically don’t ride our horses’ barefoot horse on the pavement, but I decided to research the...
Terms used to describe horse colors aren't familiar to everyone. So here, we explain the basic terminology, patterns, and genetics of equine coat colors Common horse coat colors are Sorrel, Bay,...
My granddaughter labels every pony a baby horse; when I correct her, she always asks, "what the difference." So I decided to provide a thorough answer for her and anyone else interested in knowing...
Before running trails or jumping hurdles on your horse, think about warming them up first. A warm-up reduces stress, lowers the chances of injuries, and loosens muscles. But what is the best way to...