The World's Fastest Horses: Top Speeds and Common Traits
The Friesian Horse Breed: Facts, Color, and Temperament
How Do Jockeys Choose Which Horses They Ride?
The Fastest Horse Breeds in the World and the Races They Run
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The question of whether or not to feed your horse grain is the focal point of many discussions. Some owners faithfully feed their horses oats, others barley, and still others believe horses don't...
A pony can be an entertaining pet, especially if you have children. However, sometimes people can be shocked by their aggressive behavior. In some cases, they have been known to nip people. Ponies...
Recently, our friends’ young son broke his collar bone riding a horse, or rather falling from a horse. His injury made me curious about the dangers of riding horses, so I decided to research...
Guest Author: Brad Heath, The question of whether or not to tie your horse in the trailer has been debated for years. It’s a hot topic! Some owners faithfully leave...
What Do Horses and Zebras Have in Common? Plus 5 Differences
We recently attended the zebra races at the New Orleans Fairgrounds Racetrack. Seeing the zebras run amok on the racetrack made me wonder what they have in common with horses. Horses and zebras...
My grandson noticed the special attention new horses receive when we bring them to their new home. Seeing the unique activity surrounding the animal prompted him to ask why we treat a new horse...